
Signs You Might Need A Registered Nurse

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Get A Registered Nurse To Meet Certain Needs

Even if you are in charge of caring for an aging loved one, you might not be a part of the healthcare industry. That means you don’t know as much about caregiving as you might want to, seeing as you have an important job ahead of you. You understand that there are people out there that can help you meet your loved one’s needs, but there are different professionals who cover different things. Caregivers, for instance, can do a lot of things to take the loads and burdens from your plate. However, there are certain times when a registered nurse will really be the person you need. You might need a registered nurse if…

Your Loved One Just Had Surgery

When your aging loved one has major surgery, they will recover in the hospital first. But once they are sent home, their care is just as important and you want to make sure they get quality home health care. Having a registered nurse check up on their well-being to help with their recovery is often a good idea.

Your Loved One Has A Wound

Whether your loved one fell and has a gash or has a surgical wound, a registered nurse can take care of it properly to make sure it is healing correctly. That means changing dressings, applying salve, and just checking for proper healing to get ahead of any infections that might form.

Your Loved One Needs Intravenous Medications

You might think if your loved one has to have intravenous medications that they will have to go to the hospital, but that is not always the case. A registered nurse can help administer the medications at home and care for the IV site as well. They can also help you learn how to do it on your own to participate as much as you want in the process.

Your Loved One Has A Catheter

It’s an embarrassing situation for an aging loved one, but if they struggle with incontinence, they may need a catheter. A registered nurse can help them manage the care they will need around the catheter. That means caring for it or teaching your loved one what to do in order to care for it themselves.

Your Loved One Is Nearing The End Of Their Life

It’s never going to be easy, but you want to make sure your loved one is as comfortable as possible. A registered nurse is a medical professional who can be with you the whole time to take the burden of health care off your shoulders. You can then simply spend time with your loved one without worrying about the medical elements in play.

Ask Questions About A Registered Nurse

If you aren’t sure whether your situation deems a registered nurse necessary, contact Agility Health for information. We’re here to make sure your loved one gets everything they need, whether that’s light cleaning and transportation or a registered nurse for medication care, surgery recovery, or anything else.

It’s important to choose a Senior Healthcare Facility and Assisted Living Residence with registered nurses to ensure the safety of your senior.