Can AI Diagnose a Future Dementia Patient?

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People with Alzheimer’s and other diseases that cause Dementia have a biological brain disorder that worsens over time. This makes it hard for them to remember things, think, talk to others, and care for themselves. Mood swings are also common in dementia patients, and the ailment can even make a person act and act like a different person. 

This fact sheet gives some practical ways to deal with the problematic behavior and communication problems that often arise when caring for someone with Dementia.

Concerns With Dementia

Changes in personality and behavior can be some of the most complex parts of caring for a loved one with Dementia. The best way to deal with these problems is to be creative, flexible, patient, and kind. It also helps to keep your sense of humor and not take things too personally. Here is an overview of the most common behaviors caused by Dementia, along with some ideas for how to deal with them.


Agitation is a broad term for several common behaviors in people with Dementia, such as being irritable, unable to sleep, and verbally or physically aggressive. Most of the time, these behavior problems get worse as the stages of Dementia get worse. Agitation can be caused by many things, like the environment, fear, or being too tired. Most of the time, people get angry when they feel like they have lost “control.”


People with Dementia often have trouble remembering things like brushing their teeth, using the bathroom, taking a bath, and changing their clothes regularly. We are taught from a young age that these are very private and personal things to do. Having someone else remove your clothes and clean you can feel scary, humiliating, and embarrassing. So, bathing is often hard for caregivers and those they care for.


It’s hard to ensure that someone you care about eats healthy foods and drinks enough fluids. Alzheimer’s disease makes people forget that they need to eat and drink. Problems with the teeth or medications that make food taste “funny” could worsen the situation. When you don’t eat well, you can lose weight, get angry, have trouble sleeping, have problems with your bladder or bowels, and feel lost.


As Dementia worsens, people often lose control of their bladder or bowels. Accidents can happen because of things in the environment, like when someone forgets where the bathroom is or can’t get there in time. If something goes wrong, your understanding and reassurance will help the person keep their pride and not be too embarrassed.


Seeing someone you care about act suspicious, jealous, or accusatory out of the blue is scary. Don’t forget that what the person is going through is very real for them. It’s best not to fight or disagree with someone. This is also a symptom of Dementia, so don’t take it personally.

Perseveration (Repetition of Words or Actions)

People with Dementia will often repeatedly say, ask, or do the same thing. Even though this kind of behavior is usually harmless for the person with Dementia, it can be frustrating and stressful for those who care for them. Sometimes the behavior is caused by worry, boredom, or something in the environment.


Restlessness, anger, confusion, and other destructive behaviors often get worse at the end of the day and sometimes last all night long in people with Dementia. Experts think that this behavior, often called “sundowning” is caused by a combination of things, such as being tired from the day’s events and having a biological clock that doesn’t know the difference between day and night.


People with Dementia seem to walk around aimlessly for several reasons, such as boredom, side effects of medications, or looking for “something” or someone. They may also be trying to meet a physical need, such as thirst, hunger, the need to go to the bathroom, or the need to exercise. Finding out what makes someone wander isn’t always easy, but it can help you figure out how to deal with the behavior.

Is Technology Advanced Enough to Diagnose Future Dementia Patients?

For the first time, researchers have demonstrated that AI and machine learning can reliably predict whether people who now attend memory clinics will develop Dementia in the next two years. AI and additional developments may be able to learn and tell us about our risk of acquiring Dementia, but this is just the beginning of what we can expect.

There is a good chance that, in the future, machine learning and technology will be able to reliably predict the likelihood that a person in their 40s or 50s would develop Dementia.

Dementia is not a condition that can be cured or prevented, but there are steps you may take to slow its growth. An ideal first step is to alter your diet or exercise habits. If it’s good for your heart, it’s good for your brain. Walking, a low-impact aerobic exercise is an excellent way to stay active for more extended periods. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, which are low in sodium, is also essential.

People with Dementia can also support their loved ones with practical caring issues. While you can still express yourself clearly, make plans to share your goals with others you care about. For example, who would be responsible for most of your care, where you want to reside, and so forth? Talk to a financial planner or elder law attorney to determine how you’ll pay for long-term care in the future. It’s challenging to begin, but you’ll give your loved one’s peace of mind. Your loved ones will be relieved of some of the emotional weight they will bear if they know you were involved in the decision-making process.

Finally, this cutting-edge diagnostic may inspire you to live life to the fullest extent possible. Make plans to visit a place you’ve always wanted to see. Whether it’s with a family member or a friend, have you always dreamed of reuniting? Put effort into making things right.

Every day brings new developments in dementia diagnosis and therapy. Diagnosing and treating Dementia will likely remain a mystery for the foreseeable future. Everyone, however, can take time to consider the realities of your end-of-life care or what quality of life means to you. Even if you’ve been diagnosed with Dementia, your life can still be meaningful and beautiful.

For more information on a memory care facility for your loved one, contact us today.